Apply for Planning Permission
Find out how to make a planning application.
How do I apply?
Before you start you are advised to:
- Visit our Do I need planning permission? page.
- Take a look at the Planning application checklist section. This tells you what information is needed when making an application.
Information can be:
- Plans and drawings
- Affordable housing statements
- Air quality assessments
- And more
Where can I get help and advice?
Please see our pre-application advice page.
Apply online
The easiest way to apply is to send us your planning application via the Planning Portal. You can fill in the application form you need and make your payment.
Apply online with Planning Portal
MSDC e-forms for specific applications
- Householder Planning Application
- Application for works to trees subject to a tree preservation order (TPO) and/or notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation site
Paper applications
You can also complete a PDF form and email a copy to
Planning Application Fees
Notice of increase of statutory fees:
All statutory planning application fees in England increased from 6th December 2023.
The following table summarises the fees payable for applications submitted from 6th December.
For help in calculating the planning fee please refer to the Planning Portal's Fee Calculator.
Application Checklists
These checklists will tell you what other information is needed to complete your application. This will depend on the type of proposal. Please also refer to our Planning fee sheet, Validation Criteria (Local List) of application requirements (Updated September 2020) and the National Validation Requirements.
Additional documentation relating to planning obligations (Section 106 developer contributions) and Ashdown Forest as referenced in the Validation Criteria (Local List):
- Planning Obligation Instruction Form
- Instruction form to legal services in relation to the discharge of the Ashdown Forest SPA planning condition
Legislative Changes
From 1st August 2021 a Fire Statement will be required for certain types of proposed development (‘multi-occupied residential buildings of 18m or more in height, or 7 or more storeys’).
View Government planning guidance on the provision of fire statements
- Fire Statement Form (Online version)
- Fire Statement Form (Print version)
- Fire Statement Form Guidance
Application Forms and Checklists |
Application form: 1. Householder application for planning permission for works or extension to a dwelling For carrying out work to a single home including extensions, loft conversions, garages, access, fences and walls, balconies, satellite dishes. |
Application form: 2. Householder application for planning permission for works or extension to a dwelling - and conservation area consent for demolition in a conservation area For carrying out work to a single home including extensions, loft conversions, garages, fences and walls, balconies, satellite dishes as well as permission for demolition in a Conservation Area. |
For carrying out work to a single home including extensions, loft conversions, garages, fences and walls, balconies, satellite dishes including listed building consent. |
Application form: 4. Householder general permitted development notification for larger home extensions Application form for proposing a single storey rear extension. |
Application form: 5. Full planning permission Application form for any new dwellings, industrial, office, warehousing, storage, shopping development, agricultural dwellings or buildings. |
Application form: 6. Full planning permission with advert consent Application form for any new dwellings, industrial, office, warehousing, storage, shopping development, agricultural dwellings or buildings with advertisement consent. |
Application form: 7. Full planning permission with listed building consent Application form for any new dwellings, industrial, office, warehousing, storage, shopping development, agricultural dwellings or buildings as well as listed building consent. |
Application form: 8. Full planning permission with demolition in a conservation area Application form for any new dwellings, industrial, office, warehousing, storage, shopping development, agricultural dwellings or buildings as well as permission for demolition in a Conservation Area. |
Application form: 9. Outline application for planning permission with some matters reserved Application form for an outline application, with some matters reserved, for any new dwellings, industrial, office, warehousing, storage, shopping development, agricultural dwellings or buildings. This will allow you to get permission ‘in principle’, but you are able to submit the specific details later under a reserved matters application. |
Application form: 10. Outline Application for planning permission with all matters reserved Application form for an outline application, with all matters reserved, for any new dwellings, industrial, office, warehousing, storage, shopping development, agricultural dwellings or buildings. This will allow you to get permission an application ‘in principle’, but you are able to submit the specific details later under a reserved matters application. |
Application form: 11. Application for reserved matters Application form for reserved matters used once outline permission has been granted, any details that were reserved from the application will need to be submitted. |
Application form: 12. Application for consent to display an advertisement(s) Application form for erection or display of a sign, fascia sign, notice or advertisement. |
Application form: 13. Application for listed building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building Application form for works to a listed building that do not require planning permission or when an application for planning permission is being submitted separately. |
Application Form: 14. Application for Modification or Discharge of Planning Obligation Application form to modify or discharge a Planning Obligation |
Application form: 15. Application for Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use or operation or activity including those in breach of planning condition Application form for a development or change of use have been implemented unlawfully e.g. without planning permission, for a number of years. |
Application form: 16. Application for Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use or development Application form for a proposal relating to a change of use or development to any premises other than a house is permitted development or lawful and therefore does not require the submission of a householder application. You are advised that once an application for a Lawful Development Certificate under section 192 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 has been registered by the Local Planning Authority as a valid application, it is not possible to make amendments to the application. You are therefore advised to check carefully before submitting your application that you have set out clearly why you consider that the proposed development is lawful. |
Application form: 17. Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a Listed Building Application form for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to establish whether the proposed works to a Listed Building would be lawful. |
Application form: 18. Application for tree works: works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area Application form to undertake any works to any part of the tree including roots. |
Application form: 19. Application for Permission in Principle For small-scale housing led development (development up to 9 dwellings). Please note: Applications for Technical Details Consent based on a granted Permission in Principle should be submitted as a Full Planning Permission with details of the related Permission in Principle provided in the description. |
Biodiversity Net Gain Statement
Self-build and Custom Build Statement
Ownership certificates |
Certificate A – for the sole owner of the property and/or land |
Certificate B – where the applicant is not the owner of the property and/or land |
Certificate C – for multiple owners and only some are known |
Certificate D – for when the owner(s) are unknown |
Notice No 1 – to be served on owners of the land when completing Certificate B or C |
Notice No 2 – to be served on owners of the land when completing Certificate C or D |
Contact us
Tel: 01444-477019