Site Allocations Document

Mid Sussex District Council adopted its Site Allocations Development Plan Document on 29th June 2022. The Site Allocations DPD identifies sufficient housing sites to provide a five year housing land supply to 2031 and also makes sure that enough land is allocated to meet identified employment needs. The adoption statement, adopted Site Allocations DPD and Sustainability Appraisal are available to view below, as well as the Inspector’s Report:

Main Modifications (November 2021)

Following hearing sessions held in June 2021 and the completion of Action Points, the Inspector has provided suggested modifications to the Council’s Site Allocations Development Plan Document (Sites DPD), which were subject to consultation from November 2021 to January 2022. At this stage the Inspector has only issued the Main Modifications and not a Report setting out his conclusions.

The Council received almost 300 responses to the consultation. The responses have been collated and made available to view on the Sites DPD examination page. The responses have also been sent to the Inspector to inform his final report. Should the Inspector conclude that the Sites DPD meets legal and soundness requirements, it will be considered by the Council for adoption in Spring 2022.

Consultation Documents

Submission (December 2020)

The District Plan sets out the housing and employment needs for the district for the period to 2031 and committed the Council to preparing a Site Allocations DPD in order to find sufficient housing and employment sites to meet the remaining need.

The Submission Draft Site Allocations DPD recommends allocation of:

  • 22 housing sites
  • 7 employment sites
  • Science and Technology Park

It also includes 5 strategic policies required to deliver sustainable development.

The Site Allocations DPD has been formally submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government. Hearing sessions were held in June 2021, further details are available using the links below.

Regulation 19 Documents

The following documents were prepared at Regulation 19 stage and were subject to consultation between August – September 2020.

Regulation 18 Documents

The following documents were prepared at Regulation 18 stage and were subject to consultation between October – November 2019.

Small Scale Housing Allocations Development Plan Document

The Small Scale Housing Allocations DPD allocates small-scale sites for housing development. It was adopted in April 2008 and forms part of the Development Plan for the district, alongside the District Plan and Neighbourhood Plans.

It is a key part of the Mid Sussex Local Development Framework.


Previously developed (brownfield) sites - maps

Map key

Greenfield sites - maps

Map key

Last updated: 31 July 2024