District Plan 2021 - 2039

The Mid Sussex District Plan was adopted in March 2018. The District Council is in the process of reviewing and updating the Plan where necessary. The new District Plan 2021 – 2039 will replace the current adopted District Plan.

Latest Update

August 2024

The Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions have now been received, alongside a draft Hearing Programme.

More details can be found on the District Plan Review - Examination web page.

Submission July 2024

The District Plan 2021 – 2039 was submitted for Examination on 8th July 2024. Further information can be found on the District Plan Examination web page.

Regulation 19 Consultation Jan/Feb 2024

The Submission District Plan 2021-2039 was published for Regulation 19 consultation between the 12thJanuary and the 23rdFebruary 2024.

Consultation documents:

Background documents:


  • Regulation 19 consultation – held 12th January to 23rd February 2024
  • Regulation 18 consultation – held 7th November to 19th December 2022
  • Publish final Plan for consultation – 12th January to 23rd February 2024
  • Submission to Planning Inspectorate for Examination – Summer 2024
  • Examination: end of 2024
  • Formal adoption – 2025

Interactive map showing the draft District Plan proposals

District Plan Regulation 19 maps including modifications as identified in DP2.

If you are having problems viewing the map, you can open the map directly here.

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Previous Stages

December 2023

The draft District Plan (Regulation 18) has been amended following consideration of the representations made during consultation in November/December 2022, the outcomes of cross-party Members Working Group meetings, and further engagement with Town and Parish Councils.

Council approved the Submission Draft District Plan (Regulation 19) document on 13th December. The Plan will now proceed to consultation, starting 12th January to 23rd February 2024.

June 2023

At the Scrutiny Committee for Place and Environment meeting in June, the Committee took forward the recommendation to establish a cross party Members Working Group to consider responses from the Regulation 18 consultation in respect of sites not selected for allocation in the draft District Plan and new sites submitted during the consultation. 

March 2023 - Consultation Responses

Mid Sussex District Council published the draft District Plan 2021-2039 for public consultation between the 7th November and the 19th December 2022. The representations will be reported to a meeting of Scrutiny Committee for Planning, Economic Growth and Net Zero on 15th March.

Regulation 18

Mid Sussex District Council published the draft District Plan 2021-2039 for public consultation between the 7th November and the 19th December 2022.

The District Plan 2021-2039 sets out the vision, strategy and policy framework for the district for the period to 2039. It is based on four principles:

  • Protection of designated landscapes (such as AONB)
  • Making effective use of land
  • Growth at existing sustainable settlements where it continues to be sustainable to do so.
  • Opportunities for extensions to improve sustainability of existing settlements which are currently less sustainable.

The Regulation 18 draft District Plan 2021-2039 includes:

  • Allocation of land for three new Sustainable Communities, each delivering over 1,000+ new homes and on-site infrastructure to support growth, such as primary and secondary education, health facilities, community centres, retail, employment and open space.
  • 21 housing allocations
  • Updated and new planning policies including for climate change, sustainable design and construction, biodiversity, and electric vehicles.

Further information on the consultation can be found on the consultation page.

Consultation Documents

District Plan Review - Scope

The District Plan Review is only applicable to the adopted 2018 District Plan; the Site Allocations DPD (adopted 2022) does not form part of this Review.

To understand the scope of the new District Plan the District Council examined the policies within the adopted District Plan.  This exercise highlighted which policies within the District Plan needed updating and what, if any, new policies are required to ensure the Plan is in accordance with national policy and guidance. 

The exercise categorised the policies into one of three groups depending on whether it requires a full update, a minor update or no update.  Full updates have been triggered by new evidence or changes in national policy, whereas minor updates are principally needed to provide clarity or consistency.  The majority of existing policies require at least a minor update.   A full list of the policies and conclusions of the above exercise is available to view using the link below:

Planning Policy e-communication

Sign up to Planning Policy e-communication

To receive news and updates on the emerging District Plan 2021-2039 and other planning policy documents please sign up to our e-communication. 

Please see our Consultation & Monitoring page for further associated documentation.

Last updated: 29 August 2024