What is Universal Credit?

Universal Credit (UC) is a benefit for people of working age on a low income and is administered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). It is a single monthly payment which will eventually replace:

  • Income Support.
  • Income Related Job Seeker's Allowance.
  • Income Related Employment Support Allowance.
  • Housing Benefit.
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit.

Help with Council tax is not included in your Universal Credit payment. See our Council Tax Support page to apply for Council Tax Support 


You can use the Benefits online calculator to find out if you are eligible for Universal Credit and how much you could receive.

How to apply for Universal Credit

Universal Credit can only be claimed online. You will need to create an account to make a claim. If you don't have access to the internet to apply and manage your account online you can use a computer and access the internet for free at your local library.

Apply for Universal Credit on the GOV.UK website

To complete your claim, you will also have to prove your identity. You’ll need some identity documents for this, for example your:

  • driving licence
  • passport
  • debit or credit card
  • payslip or P60

Please note: Universal Credit no longer uses Government Gateway or GOV.UK Verify for online verification.

For more details on the evidence and information needed to provide to support your claim, visit GOV.UK's How to Make a Claim 

Help with your application

If you cannot claim online, you can claim by phone through the Universal Credit helpline.

If need additional support when applying, you can talk to Citizens Advice in West Sussex. They will start by assessing your situation to make sure you’re getting the right level of support.

They can help with:

  • Setting up your Universal Credit account
  • Completing your claim to-dos
  • Verifying your identity
  • Providing additional evidence
  • Making sure you’re providing the right evidence to the Jobcentre
  • Understanding what Universal Credit will mean for you

For telephone support, contact the free Help to Claim helpline. Advisers are available 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday:

  • Universal Credit Helpline: 0800 144 8 444

Free Internet access

All West Sussex Libraries have free public PCs which can be used for up to 2 hours a day, including those within the Mid Sussex district. To use the PCs residents need to join the library, ideally with proof of name and address. Membership is free.

All libraries also have free Wi-Fi and you do not need to be a member to use this. 

Find your nearest library

You can also get online at your local Jobcentre Plus:

Managed Migration and completing the move to Universal Credit

Managed migration is the process of moving legacy benefit claimants across to Universal Credit and ending their legacy benefit awards.

Universal Credit migration notices will be sent out to people in receipt of certain legacy benefits who live within Mid Sussex District from February 2024 onwards.

If you receive a migration notice 

To continue receiving financial support you must claim Universal Credit within 3 months of the date showing on your notice.

If you do not make a claim for Universal Credit within 3 months, your legacy benefit will still end.

For further information and support

Discretionary Housing Payments

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) is a way of helping you if the Housing Benefit or Universal Credit (Housing Costs element) you get is not enough to pay your rent.

Discretionary Housing Payments are special payments, which come from a separate cash limited fund. They are not the same as Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. 

You can apply for a DHP if you currently get either:

Please see our Discretionary Housing Payments page for more information. 

New benefit claimants

You must claim Universal credit if you are  

  • of working age (including mixed age couples)

If you live in one of the following types of accommodation, you will still need to claim Universal Credit, but your housing costs should be covered by Housing Benefit

  • accommodation where your landlord provides care and support
  • temporary accommodation provided by the local authority
Last updated: 25 July 2024