Unauthorised camping or rough sleeping is dealt with by the Council under a separate procedure to unauthorised encampments by Gypsies or travellers.

Report unauthorised camping or rough sleeping on Council land

We can only take action when the unauthorised camping or rough sleeping is on Council land.

Report unauthorised camping or rough sleeping

Tel: 01444-458166
Out of hours: 01444-458166

Email: unauthorisedcamping@midsussex.gov.uk

How the Council deals with unauthorised camping or rough sleeping on Council land

Once the Council receives notification of unauthorised camping or rough sleeping on Council land, they will visit the site and carry out a welfare check on any person who is found to occupy a tent or who is sleeping rough. The outcome of this visit will determine how the matter is dealt with.

The Council is in charge of cleaning the site once the traveller has left. This usually takes place as soon as he or she moves.

Last updated: 16 July 2024