Postal and Proxy Voting
Postal voting
Anybody who is registered on the Electoral Register can apply to vote by post.
From the 31st October 2023, the way in which you apply for a postal vote, the information required on an application and the maximum period a postal vote arrangement can be in place has changed.
The changes arise because of The Elections Act 2022.
You can apply for a postal vote for a particular election or referendum, for a specific time, or (as of the 31st October 2023), for a maximum period of 3 years. After 3 years, postal voting arrangements will expire, and you will be required to re-apply for a postal vote.
We will be in contact with all electors in advance of the expiry of their postal voting arrangements to request a new application.
Please read the following sections carefully to understand the new application process and information requirements when applying for a postal vote.
How to apply for postal voting
Electors can apply to vote by post online.
Please note: If you are an an appointed proxy and are unable to attend the polling station to vote on behalf of someone, you can also apply for a postal vote.
This is called a postal proxy vote.
To apply for a postal proxy vote, you must contact us directly to request an application form. You will be unable to apply online or by using the application forms listed on this page.
Apply to vote by post
If you are unable to apply online, you can download, complete and return the relevant paper application form below:
For domestic voters, please click here to download an application form
Download a postal vote application form - Domestic voters
For overseas voters (not including service, crown servant or any other type of declaration voters), please click to download the application form for overseas electors here:
Filling in the application
The application form includes instructions on how to fill it in correctly.
You must complete all sections of the application.
You must supply the following information on your application as these details will be used to verify your identity:
- National Insurance Number
- Date of Birth
- Signature
Identity Verification Requirements FAQs:
You can locate your National Insurance Number via the GOV website here:
Alternatively, you may be able to find it on your:
- Payslip
- P60
- Letters about tax, pension or benefits
If you are unable to provide your National Insurance Number, please provide a reason why on your application form.
You will be contacted with a request to provide additional evidence to verify your identity. This will be via the exceptions or attestation process.
The exceptions process will involve the requirement of you to provide further documentary evidence to verify your identity.
The attestation process will involve a statement from an individual confirming your identity.
If you are unable to provide a signature or consistent signature due to disability, for example, you can request a signature waiver.
If applying for a postal vote online, you can request a waiver via this service.
If you are completing a paper application form, please include the following on the application:
- Provide the reason for your signature waiver request.
- Provide the name and address of any individual who has assisted you with completing your application form.
If you can't print or access the postal vote application
If you're unable to complete your application online, print the application form or need it in an accessible format, contact our Electoral Services Team using the contact details at the end of this page.
Where to send your completed application
If you complete your postal vote application via the online service, this will be submitted digitally to us for processing.
If you complete a paper application form, you can return this via one of the following methods:
You can scan your completed form to:
Or you can return by post to:
Electoral Services
Mid Sussex District Council
Oaklands, Oaklands Road
Haywards Heath
RH16 1SS
What happens after your application is submitted?
During an election or referendum period, the cut off time for applying for a postal vote is 5pm - 11 working days before polling day.
It is important that you complete and return your application form as far in advance of this deadline where possible. This will enable the determination process for your application to be completed in as far in advance of polling day as possible and will assist us in ensuring quick dispatch of your postal voting ballot pack.
Dispatch of postal voting ballot packs
Your postal voting ballot pack can be sent to:
- Your home address, or;
- A different address where you will be staying on the day of the election, or;
- An address abroad.
Please note:
- Postal voting ballot packs cannot be sent until after the candidate nomination process has closed and ballot papers have been printed.
- If you are abroad (and outside Europe), you may not have enough time to send back your ballot paper before the election or referendum. In this circumstance, it may be better to apply for a proxy vote instead. See proxy voting for more information.
Completion of postal voting ballot packs
Please follow the instructions provided in your pack on how to complete your postal vote.
You must supply the required information on your postal voting statement for us to verify your postal vote when returned. Namely, please ensure you correctly complete your:
- Date of Birth
- Signature (not applicable if you have a waiver applied)
Lost or Spoilt postal voting ballot packs
Lost Postal Voting Ballot Packs
If your postal voting ballot pack has been lost or you did not receive this, we can only issue a replacement from 4 working days before polling day up until 5pm on polling day.
Please contact our Electoral Services Team using the contact details at the end of this page if you require a replacement.
Spoilt Postal Voting Ballot Packs
If you have spoilt your postal voting ballot pack, we can issue a replacement up until 5pm on polling day.
Please contact our Electoral Services Team using the contact details at the end of this page if you require a replacement.
Return of postal voting ballot packs
Please return your postal voting ballot pack to us in the pre-paid envelope provided via post. If you lose the envelope, you can request a replacement or return the pack to the following address:
Electoral Services
Mid Sussex District Council
Oaklands, Oaklands Road
Haywards Heath
RH16 1SS
You may also return your postal voting ballot pack at any polling station between their opening hours of 7am-10pm.
You will be required to complete a form should you wish to return your pack in person.
Please note:
- From the 1st December 2023, it will be a criminal offence for political parties and campaigners to handle completed postal votes and postal vote envelopes.
- In addition, voters will not be allowed to hand more than 5 postal voting ballot packs (in addition to their own) at any polling station.
All postal voting ballot packs must reach us by 10pm on polling day.
Proxy voting
Proxy voting is where you appoint a trusted person to vote on your behalf.
If you know that you won’t be able to get to the polling station on polling day, you can ask someone you trust to cast your vote for you.
From the 31st October 2023, the way in which you apply for proxy voting will change.
As a result of these changes, all electors with existing proxy arrangements in place prior to the 31st October 2023 will be required to re-apply for their proxy by the 31st January 2024.
Please read the following sections carefully to understand the changes affecting proxy voting.
How to apply for a proxy vote
How you can apply for a proxy vote will vary depending on the type of elector you are, and the type of proxy vote application required.
For most electors, you can now apply online by clicking here:
Apply to vote by proxy
However, for certain types of proxy voting applications – a paper-based application form will continue to be the only method of application.
The length of time you can apply for a proxy voting arrangement will depend on type of proxy vote you are requesting and the reasons behind your request.
In addition, all new proxy vote applications (excluding emergency proxies) will require the provision of your National Insurance Number as part of new identity checks.
Details on the types of proxy voting applications and how to apply (including links to paper-based application forms) can be found detailed in the PDF below:
Proxy Votes Types and Application Process
If you complete your proxy vote application via the online service, this will be submitted digitally to us for processing.
If you complete a paper application form, you can return this via one of the following methods:
You can scan your completed form to:
Or you can return by post to:
Electoral Services
Mid Sussex District Council
Oaklands, Oaklands Road
Haywards Heath
RH16 1SS
The cut-off time for requesting a proxy vote is 5pm – 6 working days before polling day.
Rules for nominating a proxy
- The elector and their appointed proxy must be registered to vote.
- The proxy must be eligible to vote in the elections(s) they have been appointed for.
- A proxy can vote for a maximum of 4 people. No more than 2 of those people can be domestic electors. Domestic electors are voters who are neither overseas voters nor a service voter.
How to apply for an emergency proxy
If you have an emergency that means you cannot go to the polling station in person, you can apply for an emergency proxy up to 5pm on polling day.
This must be something that you weren't aware of before the normal proxy vote deadline.
To apply for an emergency proxy, download and complete one of the application forms below.
- Emergency proxy based on disability, hospital detainment or medical emergency.
- Emergency proxy based on occupation, service or employment.
- Emergency proxy based on grounds relating to voter ID.
Please note:
- Your National Insurance Number is not required for an emergency proxy application.
- Your nominated proxy must be registered to vote and be eligible to vote in the type of election(s) you are appointing them for, and they must have an acceptable form of ID.
You can scan your completed form to:
Or you can return by post to:
Electoral Services
Mid Sussex District Council
Oaklands, Oaklands Road
Haywards Heath
RH16 1SS
How to cancel a proxy vote
If you have nominated a proxy, but then change your mind and wish to vote yourself, you can apply to cancel your proxy vote by contacting the Electoral Services Team using the contact details at the end of this page.
The deadline to cancel a proxy vote is before 5pm - 11 working days before polling day.
Further information on absent voting
For further information on absent voting, please visit the Electoral Commission website here:
Postal Voting:
Proxy Voting:
Contact the Elections Team
Tel: 01444-477003