Payments and Purchasing
Invoice payments
The Council has a target to pay 95% of all invoices within 10 days of:
Receipt of the goods or service
Date of the invoice - this doesn't include disputed invoices
Please note: All invoices received without a valid order number will be returned for correction.
Your payment might be delayed if you do not send your invoices to the correct address.
Please ensure your invoices are sent to:
Finance Systems Team
Oaklands Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 1SS
Or email:
More information
- Payments are run three times a week: Monday - Wednesday - Thursday
- Payment is by Bankers' Automated Clearing Services (BACS)
- BACS payments take three working days to reach your bank account
- Remittance advice: We will inform you as soon as your invoice has been paid
Please note: To receive remittance advice via email please fill in our Remittance advice sheet.
Payments to suppliers
The Local Government Transparency Code means we have have to publish all payments of £500 or over in our online Payments to suppliers list, available under Finance on our Open data page.
We are required to publish:
- The date of the cost
- The department that pays the cost
- Who we paid
- A summary of what the cost was was for
- The amount
- Any VAT that can't be recovered
- The merchant category such as 'computers' or 'software'
Freedom Of Information (FOI)
Please see our Freedom of Information page or e-mail for more information about the type of business we conduct with suppliers.
We will aim to get back to you within one working day and to give you a full response within 10 working days. We want to be as transparent and open as we can but in some cases we will need to hold back commercially sensitive information.
Purchase Orders
Please read our Purchase orders terms and conditions.
Contact us
Payments Team
Tel: 01444-477377