Mid Sussex District Council bids for two Investment Zones to boost economic growth

PR 2469/MJ/JAE - 13/10/2022

Working in partnership with West Sussex County Council, MSDC is proposing to submit an expression of interest to create new Investment Zones for two commercial sites in Mid Sussex.

Investment Zones will deliver commercial growth and support local employment opportunities by offering long term tax and other incentives for businesses and employers to locate within them. The sites being put forward are the proposed Science and Technology Park and the redevelopment of The Martlets Shopping Centre in Burgess Hill.

Cllr Jonathan Ash-Edwards, Leader of Mid Sussex District Council, said:

“The regeneration of Burgess Hill town centre and the development of the Science and Technology Park are both important projects for economic growth and jobs in Mid Sussex. It is common knowledge that delivery of the town centre regeneration has been badly hit by the pandemic and changes in retail habits, but we are determined to explore all options to help the private sector deliver it.

“We have already bid for the Government’s Levelling Up Fund to unlock the development of larger retail units, the hotel, public realm improvements and restore commercial confidence in the town centre. Investment Zones would help make both developments even more attractive locations for businesses to invest, which is why we are putting them forward to Government.

“Both sites are already significantly advanced in the planning system and so the Investment Zones would be developed in line with the existing planning decisions”.

In supporting the expressions of interest, Cllr Paul Marshall, Leader of the West Sussex County Council said, “The Science and Technology Park already has the potential to be regionally significant and the creation of an Investment Zone will make it even more attractive to investors. This initiative will ensure that its delivery is fast tracked and demonstrates high standards, including environmental protections. Competition for Investment Zones across the UK is expected to be intense, but we hope to be successful for Mid Sussex.”